Online Survey System


The client, United Negro College Fund Special Programs Corporation (SP) – works diligently to create connections between the diverse, high-performing workforce of the minority education community and private industry to address the nation’s imperatives. The goal of SP is to provide Minority Institutions (MIs) with capacity-building opportunities; the government and private industry with access to a talented and diverse workforce; and individuals with the experience, exposure, mentoring, and development they need to have successful and empowered careers.

  • To develop a survey system that gives SP and non-SP users the ability to complete any SP survey online
  • To develop a survey management system that allows SP staff to set up an online survey and that has the reporting functionality they need for post-survey activities

SP wanted MMG to build a complete survey system similar to They wanted a customized survey system that they could tweak according to their requirements. MMG built a survey system in two parts – one for SP admin users and another for non-SP Admin users.

MMG gave SP Admin users the ability to set up the survey questions which could be any text field, any drop downs or even matrix type radio questions. We provided them with the ability to break the survey into several pages and also give them the option for conditional routing of pages based on survey answers. We also gave them the feature to select the audience group to complete the survey. The audience group could be an existing SP user group, any existing SP user, or could be any external user. The survey may or may not need a login based on survey set up. MMG also gave Admin users an option to pre-schedule surveys for future dates. We also offered SP staff the reporting functionality. Customized reports were generated based on survey feedback from system users.

The second part of the survey system was for the users to complete the survey. The users may or may not need to register on the SP website to complete the survey based on survey set up. A dedicated URL was available for the user to complete any survey. The survey could be finished successfully online and any survey that required login included a feature for the user to complete the survey at later stage.

Overall, a complete survey engine was built for SP by the MMG team.

Major Achievements:
  • The system helped SP Staff to set up an online survey very quickly and easily
  • The system helped users to complete each survey with ease
  • The new system helped SP create customized surveys for their clients and essentially generate revenue from the survey engine
  • UNCFSP Infomercial
  • Disability Associates Commercial
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  • Winning Government Contracts
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  • Highlands Group
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  • Social Media
  • SPEventManagement
  • UNCFSP Website Redesign
  • Online Survey System
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